Terms and Conditions

Please note that booking and paying for a pitch, therapy or service space and submitting a booking form indicates agreement and compliance with our Terms and Conditions, please read the following carefully. 

Age limits - Clients
Therapists must agree that no clients will be under 18 years of age and that no children are brought into therapy spaces. Unless you have clearly stated clearly state ‘suitable for all ages’ on your booking form, workshops will be for 16yrs + only and they must be accompanied by a paying adult.

Age limits- Traders
Traders must be over 16 years to run a stall or to provide a service.

The sale of alcohol is not permitted at any event held by The Whole Soul Society.

Bad weather
We will run our events in any weather unless it is deemed to present a danger to traders and the public. If the organisers are forced to close the market under these circumstances, a full refund will be given to traders.

Cancellation Policies
Cancellations for any reason; no-shows; refusal of trading by the organisers due to non-compliance and late arrivals are subject to the same conditions.

4 weeks and over - full refund

3 to 4 weeks - 50%

2 to 3 weeks - 25%

Less than 2 weeks- no refund

It is the responsibility of the trader to contact any client who has pre-booked with them to inform the client they they will not be able to fulfil the service and to suggest an alternative therapist. Traders will be invoiced for any client fees which are refunded by us.

Fire and naked flames
No fires are permitted. This includes the use of candles, incense, sage, Palo Santo or other similar cleansing tools. Fire-less alternatives such as cleansing sprays and selenite will be available for purchase and use on the day.

Clean Up
Traders must remove all rubbish and unsold produce and leave their allocated area clean and tidy.

We reserve the right to have more than one trader selling or offering similar products or services.

Electricity points
If you require access to a plug socket, please ask in your booking form. It is not possible to give access to an electrical point for every trader and we do not allow the use of extension cables. All electrical equipment must be PAT tested.

Food Business
All food traders will need to be registered as a Food Business with their local authority and must hold the relevant certification. Allergen information must be visible and clear. The trader is responsible for ensuring they comply with the rules which are specific to them.

All processed/prepared food sellers will need a Food Hygiene Certificate, a copy of which must be readily available on each event da

Any food trader using gas in order to prepare hot food must be using LPG (Low Pressure Gas) gas and must have a regulator between the gas canister and the outlet.

Your public liability insurance must cover you for the use of your chosen fuel source.

We will check that you are adhering to these specifications on event day and if we aren’t satisfied, we may not allow you to trade. Under these circumstances, we do not issue refunds.

We do not guarantee footfall. It is in our interest to promote the dates of our events heavily to create a regular flow of customers and we do this through various channels, both paid for and free; online and physical. We work hard to ensure each event area has a healthy mix of traders selling different products and offering services to ensure each trader has the maximum opportunity for high takings on the day. 

Gazebos must be well maintained and weights must be used on each leg. The weights used must equal at least 60kg for a 4 legged gazebo. We recommend and allow the use of ground screws and guy ropes where the structure is placed on grass but these must run vertically down the gazebo legs and must not be placed at an angle so as to cause a trip hazard. On hardstanding pitches, you may anchor your gazebo to immovable objects with the agreement of the organisers.

Gazebos MUST be weighted BEFORE stall set up. If, on inspection, your gazebo is deemed to be incorrectly weighted or not well maintained, you will not be allowed to trade and no refunds are given under these circumstances.

Illegal substances
Any person suspected of being under the influence of or using illegal substances will be immediately removed from the venue. They will be unable to retrieve any items whether they be personal, stock or equipment until the event has closed. No refund of any fees paid will be given and the trader will be invoiced for any fees which have been paid by the public for workshops, taster sessions, therapies or services which cannot be fulfilled. The organisers will not hesitate to call the police if they deem this necessary.

Traders and service providers are required to have appropriate insurance cover. 

Traders are responsible for complying with all laws and regulations regarding the production, preparation, labelling, display, storage and sale of goods and the delivery of services.

Marketing and social media promotion
Please do not create your own events on social media as we are unable to monitor likely attendance levels. Instead, we ask that you share our posts and event posts.

Where possible, the organisers will arrange for appropriate music to be played in the venue.

Paperwork and client consent forms
Each trader must ensure they adhere to best practice guidelines for their therapy, workshop or taster session. This includes asking participants to fill in consent forms

Pitch sizes and locations
Please read the details and limitations of each space booked very carefully. Trading areas are pre-allocated and it is not possible to change location on the day. If you have specific requirements, you must let us know in your booking form.

Goods must be marked and priced according to legal requirements. Contact your local Trading Standards Office for more information.   

We strongly suggest you price your items, experience has shown us that customers are more likely to buy if the prices are clearly marked.

Setting Up, Taking Down, Late Arrivals
You will be sent clear instructions regarding arrival times and specific arrangements for each venue before each event. It is your responsibility to read these and comply with them.

Traders are required to cooperate with the organisers to avoid congestion when unloading and loading in order to maintain safety.

Late arrivals may not be allowed to trade and no refund will be given under these circumstances. 

Stalls must not be broken down and removed until the event closes. If these terms are not adhered to, the organisers reserve the right to cancel future bookings with no guarantee of refund.

Photography and video
The organisers reserve the right to take photographs and film footage of the event. This will be used in various ways to market future events on the website, social media and in print form. If you do not wish to be filmed or photographed, you must inform the organisers in writing.

Shared spaces
We do not allow shared pitches. Each trader, therapist or service provider must book a dedicated pitch, submit a booking form and pay the appropriate fee. 

Social media
We highlight traders, therapists and workshop facilitators on our social media channels. It is not guaranteed that we will post your text and images.

Stall Location
Stall holders are welcome to request a specific location but it is not guaranteed that requests will be granted. You must not move your table or place items outside your allocated pitch.

Therapy and workshop spaces - time slots
Please check carefully the time slot you have booked. Therapies, taster sessions and workshops must not over-run their allotted time. We build a buffer into each booking which allows for a change-over period. Over-running will eat into the next traders time slot which will not be allowed. If clients are not able to be seen, the trader will be responsible for reimbursing them. Traders will be invoiced for any client fees which are refunded by us.

Verbal and physical abuse and harassment 
Any trader who displays verbal or physical abuse or harasses any person running, working at or attending our events will be immediately removed from the venue. They will be unable to retrieve any items whether they be personal, stock or equipment until the event has closed. No refund of any fees paid will be given and the trader will be invoiced for any fees which have been paid by the public for workshops, taster sessions, therapies or services which cannot be filled. Traders will be invoiced for any client fees which are refunded by us. The organisers will not hesitate to call the police if they deem this necessary.

Workshop, therapies and taster sessions - client bookings
The organisers are responsible for taking and managing bookings for workshops, it is not permitted for traders to take bookings for these sessions. Any interested parties must book via the website or on the day through the available booking system. Clients will also be able to use our online booking system in advance to secure a time slot with therapists offering treatments, or can book directly with the therapists on the day. All money taken by therapists (not including workshop facilitators) will be their own.

The organisers reserve the right to add to, remove or revise these terms and conditions at any time.